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Universität Leipzig
Institut für Informatik
PF 100920
04009 Leipzig
Deutschland |
Universität Leipzig
Institut für Informatik
Augustusplatz 10
04103 Leipzig
Deutschland |
Teaching (WS 2018/19)
Computational Geometry
Modeling and Programming 1
Please visit:
- GeoTemCo for the comparative analysis of geospatial-temporal data
- TRAViz for the analysis of differences and similarities among different text editions
- TagPies for the comparative analysis of word co-occureences of various ancient terms
- TagSpheres for the exploration of word co-occurrences in dependency on the distance to the searched term
- MusikerProfiling for the discovery of musicians with similar biographical characteristics

S. Jänicke. Time-based Impact Mosaics IEEE VisWeek Worshop on Visualization for Communication (Viscomm). PDF (pre-print)
C. Meinecke and S. Jänicke. Visual Analysis of Engineers’ Biographies and Engineering Branches LEVIA 2018: Leipzig Symposium on Visualization in Applications. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke. Timages: Enhancing Time Graphs with Iconographic Information LEVIA 2018: Leipzig Symposium on Visualization in Applications. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke and D. J. Wrisley. On Alignment of Medieval Poetry Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2018. HTML
S. Jänicke. TreeeX: Exploring the Diversity of Tree Species Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), The Eurographics Association. PDF (pre-print)
M. Reckziegel, M. F. Cheema, G. Scheuermann and S. Jänicke. Predominance Tag Maps IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke, J. Blumenstein, M. Rücker, D. Zeckzer and G. Scheuermann. TagPies: Comparative Visualization of Textual Data Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, IVAPP 2018. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke and D. J. Wrisley. Interactive Visual Alignment of Medieval Text Versions IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, IEEE VAST 2017. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke and D. J. Wrisley. Visualizing Mouvance: Toward a visual analysis of variant medieval text traditions Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (DSH). PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke and G. Scheuermann. On the Visualization of Hierarchical Relations and Tree Structures with TagSpheres In: Braz J. et al. (eds) Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. VISIGRAPP 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 693. Springer, Cham. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke and J. Focht. Untangling the Social Network of Musicians Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2017. PDF
S. Jänicke. On the Impact of the Merseburg Incantations Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2017. PDF
S. Jänicke. Close and Distant Reading Visualizations for the Comparative Analysis of Digital Humanities Data PhD thesis. PDF
S. Jänicke. Valuable Research for Visualization and Digital Humanities: A Balancing Act Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities, VisWeek, 2016. PDF (pre-print)
M. F. Cheema, S. Jänicke and G. Scheuermann. AnnotateVis: Combining Traditional Close Reading with Visual Text Analysis Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities, VisWeek, 2016. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke, J. Focht, G. Scheuermann. Interactive Visual Profiling of Musicians IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 22(1):200–209, Jan 2016. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke and G. Scheuermann. TagSpheres: Visualizing Hierarchical Relations in Tag Clouds Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, IVAPP 2016. PDF (pre-print)
M. F. Cheema, S. Jänicke, J. Blumenstein and G. Scheuermann. A Directed Concept Search Environment to Visually Explore Texts Related to User-defined Concept Models Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, IVAPP 2016. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke, G. Franzini, M. F. Cheema and G. Scheuermann. Visual Text Analysis in Digital Humanities. Computer Graphics Forum, 2016. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke, T. Efer, J. Blumenstein, E. Wöckener-Gade, C. Schubert and G. Scheuermann. Über die Nutzung von TagPies zur vergleichenden Analyse von Textdaten Konferenzabstracts der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum 2016. PDF
S. Jänicke and D. J. Wrisley. Visualizing Mouvance: Towards an Alignment of Medieval Vernacular Text Traditions Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2016. DH Abstract
R. Khulusi and S. Jänicke. On the Distant Reading of Musicians' Biographies Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2016. DH Abstract
M.F. Cheema, S. Jänicke and G. Scheuermann. Enhancing Close Reading Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2016. DH Abstract
M. Reckziegel, S. Jänicke and G. Scheuermann. CTRaCE: Canonical Text Reader and Citation Exporter Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2016. DH Abstract
S. Jänicke, T. Efer, M. Büchler and G. Scheuermann. Designing Close and Distant Reading Visualizations for Text Re-use Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications volume 550 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 153-171. Springer International Publishing, 2015. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke, A. Geßner, G. Franzini, M. Terras, S. Mahony and G. Scheuermann. TRAViz: A Visualization for Variant Graphs Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (DSH). PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke, G. Franzini, M. F. Cheema and G. Scheuermann. On Close and Distant Reading in Digital Humanities: A Survey and Future Challenges EuroVis STAR, 2015. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke, A. Geßner and G. Scheuermann. A Distant Reading Visualization for Variant Graphs Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2015. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke, A. Geßner, M. Büchler and G. Scheuermann. Visualizations for Text Re-use Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, IVAPP 2014. PDF (pre-print)
T. Liebmann, P. Oesterling, S. Jänicke and G. Scheuermann. A Geological Metaphor for Geospatial-temporal Data Analysis Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, IVAPP 2014.
S. Jänicke, M. Büchler and G. Scheuermann. Improving the Layout for Text Variant Graphs Proceedings of the Workshop VisLR: Visualization as Added Value in the Development, Use and Evaluation of Language Resources, 2014. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke and G. Scheuermann. Utilizing GeoTemCo for Visualizing Environmental Data Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis) (2014), The Eurographics Association. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke, A. Geßner, M. Büchler and G. Scheuermann. 5 Design Rules for Visualizing Text Variant Graphs Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2014. DH Abstract | PDF
S. Jänicke, C. Heine and G. Scheuermann. GeoTemCo: Comparative Visualization of Geospatial-Temporal Data with Clutter Removal Based on Dynamic Delaunay Triangulations Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics. Theory and Application Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 359, 2013, pp 160-175. PDF (pre-print)
S. Jänicke and D. J. Wrisley. Visualizing Uncertainty: How to Use the Fuzzy Data of 550 Medieval Texts? Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2013. DH Abstract | PDF
S. Jänicke, C. Heine, R. Stockmann and G. Scheuermann. Comparative Visualization Of Geospatial-Temporal Data Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, IVAPP 2012, pages 613−625, Rome, Italy. PDF (pre-print) | Best Student Paper at IVAPP
S. Jänicke, R. Stockmann, M. Büchler and G. Scheuermann. Europeana4D − Visualizing And Exploring Geospatial-Temporal Data Poster at The Connected Past, Southampton, United Kingdom, 24-25 March 2012. PDF (poster)
S. Jänicke, C. Heine, M. Hellmuth, P. F. Stadler, G. Scheuermann. Visualization of Graph Products IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE Information Visualization Conference), 16(6), pages 1082-1089. 2010. PDF (pre-print)
Past Projects