Prof. Dr. Ringo Baumann
Abteilung für Formale Argumentation und Logisches Schließen

Since 2023 I'm a Heisenberg professor [->] and head of the group “Formale Argumentation und Logisches Schließen“. I'm further a principal investigator in the Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence [] and associated with the Onto-Med Research Group [->]. From 2002 to 2009 I studied mathematics, logic and philosophy of science as well as economics at Leipzig University (Germany) and the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima (Peru). I received my PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) [->] in 2014 and my habilitation degree (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) [->] in 2019. From Oktober 2018 to April 2019, I was a visiting research fellow at King's College in London (UK).
My main research interests are formal argumentation, formal ontology and formal logic, with a special focus on non-monotonic reasoning.


  • the article Forgetting in Abstract Argumentation: Limits and Possibilities (together with M. Berthold, D. Gabbay and O. Rodrigues) is accepted for JAIR [->]

  • the paper Consequence Operators of Characterization Logics – The Case of Abstract Argumentation (together with H. Strass) is accepted for LPNMR 2024 [->]

  • officially elected as a Standard Editor for AIJ [->]

  • the paper Argument Mining of Attack and Support Patterns in Dialogical Conversations with Sequential Pattern Mining (together with M. Ruckdeschel and G. Wiedemann) is accepted for RATIO 2024 []