Academic Service

Graduate Schools

  • since 2024: speaker of the Graduate School of ScaD.AI [->]

  • since 2024: board of the Graduate Academy Leipzig [->]

Funding Organizations: Reviewing for

  • since 2020: German Research Foundation (DFG) [->]

  • since 2020: Bavarian Research Foundation []


  • since 2024: standard editor for Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ) [->]

  • since 2021: editorial board of the Argument and Computation journal [->]

  • since 2020: associate editor for Frontiers in Computer Science (Theoretical Computer Science) [->]

  • 2019: guest editor (together with W. Dvorak) for a special issue of TPLP [->] on Argumentation and Logic Programming – Frontiers and Relations [->]

Conferences: Member of the program committee

  • ...

  • 2021: AAAI [->], IJCAI (SPC [->]) [], KR [->] ECSQARU [->]

  • 2020: AAAI [->], IJCAI-PRICAI [->], KR [->], ECAI (SPC) [->], COMMA [->], FCR [->], XLoKR [->]

  • 2019: AAAI [->], IJCAI [->], ECSQARU [->], DKB/KIK [->]

  • 2018: AAAI [->], IJCAI-ECAI [->], KR [->], COMMA [->]

  • 2017: IJCAI [->], AAMAS [->], IEA/AIE [->]

  • 2016: KR [->], COMMA [->]

  • 2015: IJCAI [->]

Journals: Reviewing for

  • Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) [->]

  • Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ) [->]

  • International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJA) [->]

  • Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) [->])

  • Journal of Logic and Computation (JLC) [->]

  • Argument and Compuation (A&C) [->]
