Interactive GPU-based Visualization of Scalar Data with Gaussian Distributed Uncertainty

TitleInteractive GPU-based Visualization of Scalar Data with Gaussian Distributed Uncertainty
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSchlegel, Steven, Goldau Mathias, and Gerik Scheuermann
Conference NameVision, Modeling, and Visualization
Conference LocationAachen
AbstractWe present a GPU-based approach to visualize samples of normally distributed uncertain, three-dimensional scalar data. Our approach uses a mathematically sound interpolation scheme, i.e., Gaussian process regression. The focus of this work is to demonstrate, that GP-regression can be used for interpolation in practice, despite the high computational costs. The potential of our method is demonstrated by an interactive volume rendering of three-dimensional data, where the gradient estimation is directly computed by the field function without the need of additional sample points of the underlying data. We illustrate our method using three-dimensional data sets of the medical research domain.