Export 372 results:
Fast and Memory Efficient {GPU}-based Rendering of Tensor Data,
, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization 2008, p.36-42, (2008)
Hatch Textures for Virtual Endoscopy,
, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Berlin, Germany, (2008)
Illustrative Hybrid Visualization and Exploration of Anatomical and Functional Brain Data,
, Comput Graph Forum, Volume 27, p.855–862, (2008)
Increasing Depth Perception In Virtual Endoscopy,
, Computer Aided Surgery around the Head (CAS-H), (2008)
Interactive Comparison of Scalar Fields Based on Largest Contours with Applications to Flow Visualization,
, IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 14, Number 6, p.1475-1482, (2008)
Lagrangian Visualization of Flow-Embedded Surface Structures,
, Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 27, Issue 3, p.774, (2008)
Pathline Predicates and Unsteady Flow Structures,
, The Visual Computer, Volume 24, Number 12, p.1039-1051, (2008)
The State of the Art in Flow Visualization: Partition-based Techniques,
, Simulation and Visualization 2008, p.75-92, (2008)
Tapping Huge Temporally Indexed Textual Resources with WCTAnalyze,
, Proceedings of the LREC 2008, Marrakech, Morocco, (2008)
Visualization Of Middle Ear Anatomy For Ossicle Implant Planning,
, Computer Aided Surgery around the Head (CAS-H), Leipzig, (2008)
Computation of Localized Flow for Steady and Unsteady Vector Fields and its Applications,
, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 13, Number 4, p.641-651, (2007)
Efficient Construction of Flow Structures,
, IASTED VIIP 2007 Proceedings, p.135-140, (2007)
Generalized Streak Lines: Analysis and Visualization of Boundary Induced Vortices,
, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 13, Number 6, p.1735-1742, (2007)
Interactive Glyph Placement for Tensor Fields,
, Advances in Visual Computing, 3rd International Symposium (ISVC), p.331-340, (2007)
Manual Clustering Refinement using Interaction with Blobs,
, Eurovis 2007 Proceedings, Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, p.59-66, (2007)
Multifield Visualization Using Local Statistical Complexity,
, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 13, Number 6, p.1384-1391, (2007)
Shape Characterization of Extracted and Simulated Tumor Samples using Topological and Geometric Measures,
, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference 2007 Proceedings, p.6271-6277, (2007)
Streamline Predicates as Flow Topology Generalization,
, Topology-Based Methods in Visualization, Berlin, Germany, p.65-78, (2007)
Tensor Lines in Tensor Fields of Arbitrary Order,
, Advances in Visual Computing, 3rd International Symposium (ISVC), p.341-350, (2007)
Topology Based Flow Analysis and Superposition Effects,
, Topology-Based Methods in Visualization, Berlin, Germany, p.91-104, (2007)
Visualization of Barrier Tree Sequences Revisited,
, Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, p.275-292, (2007)
VolV-Eine OpenSource-Plattform für die medizinische Visualisierung,
, Proc. CURAC, (2007)
Segmentation of Flow Fields using Pattern Matching,
, Eurovis 2006 Proceedings, Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, p.147-154+366, (2006)
Streamline Predicates,
, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 12, Number 6, p.1601-1612, (2006)
Template Matching on Vector Fields using Clifford Algebra,
, The International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM 2006), Weimar, Germany, (2006)