OpenWalnut - An Open-Source Visualization System

TitleOpenWalnut - An Open-Source Visualization System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsEichelbaum, Sebastian, Mario Hlawitschka, Wiebel Alexander, and Gerik Scheuermann
EditorBenger, Werner, Gerndt Andreas, Su Simon, Schoor Wolfram, Koppitz Michael, Kapferer Wolfgang, Bischof Hans-Peter, and Pierro Massimo Di
Conference NameProceedings of the 6th High-End Visualization Workshop
Date PublishedDecember
AbstractIn the last years a variety of open-source software packages focusing on visualization of human brain data have evolved. Many of them are designed to be used in a pure academic environment and are optimized for certain tasks or special data. The open source visualization system we introduce here is called \emph{OpenWalnut}. It is designed and developed to be used by neuroscientists during their research, which enforces the framework to be designed to be very fast and responsive on the one side, but easily extendible on the other side. \emph{OpenWalnut} is a very application-driven tool and the software is tuned to ease its use. Whereas we introduce \emph{OpenWalnut} from a user's point of view, we will focus on its architecture and strengths for visualization researchers in an academic environment.