Junior Research Group Visual Analysis for Science and Engineering (ESF)


The ESF Junior Research Group is deals with several visualization topics from areas as bioinformatics, chemistry, process engineering and material sciences. Thereby, basic research plays an important role – as well as the development of an advanced visualization system. Within this context, our visualization framework FAnToM is ported to a solid basis in the sense of modern software engineering. This supports solutions to the research projects: In the area of biological computer sciences, the folding of molecules is one of the main research areas. In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Middendorf and Prof. Dr. Stadler, optimization algorithms that compute such foldings are analyzed and visualized. In a second research project that is done in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Kirchner, the behavior of molecular systems is of interest. By visualizing the neighborhood of single molecules, the interpretation of simulations of such systems is improved. A third research project is concerned with processes within an extraction column. In these columns, valuable substances are dissolved from an aqueous solution by an organic dissolver. Here, the main aspect lies on the improvement of three dimensional flow visualization. The last research project is concentrates on the analysis and visualization regarding the reconstruction of defects in crystals using the positions of the atoms.


01.07.2012 - 30.06.2014


European Social Fund (ESF)


Dr. Jens Kasten
Roxana Bujack
Markus Hütter
Christian Kötteritzsch
Maria Moritz
Sebastian Volke