
I am a scholarship holder of the DFG research training group QuantLA. Before that I worked in the DFG project OCR-D in the area of OCR post-correction. I am interested in formal language theory, especially in mildly context-sensitive formalisms and tree languages. My current main research topic is combinatory categorial grammar.


A. Maletti, L. K. Schiffer: Strong Equivalence of TAG and CCG (extended version), unpublished manuscript. [preprint]

L. K. Schiffer, M. Kuhlmann, G. Satta: Tractable Parsing for CCGs of Bounded Degree, in: Computational Linguistics (CL) 48 (3): 593–633, MIT Press, 2022. [link]

M. Kuhlmann, A. Maletti, L. K. Schiffer: The Tree-Generative Capacity of Combinatory Categorial Grammars (extended version), in: Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS) 124: 214–233, Elsevier, 2022. [link]

L. K. Schiffer, A. Maletti: Strong Equivalence of TAG and CCG, in: Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL) 9: 707–720, MIT Press, 2021. [preprint] [link]

M. Kuhlmann, A. Maletti, L. K. Schiffer: The Tree-Generative Capacity of Combinatory Categorial Grammars, in: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), LIPIcs, 2019. [link]


L. K. Schiffer: Expressive Power of Combinatory Categorial Grammars, in: 14th Annual Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science, 2020. [pdf]

R. Sachunsky, L. K. Schiffer, T. Efer, G. Heyer: Towards Context-Aware Language Models for Historical OCR Post-Correction, in: European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH), 2018. [link]

L. K. Schiffer, R. Sachunsky, T. Efer, G. Heyer: Augmenting OCR Post-Correction with Context-Aware Language Models, in: Bibliotheca Baltica Symposium (BBS), 2018. [link]


  • Room

    A 416, Augustusplatz 10
  • Address

    Lena Schiffer
    Universität Leipzig • Institut für Informatik
    Postfach 100 920 • 04009 Leipzig • Germany
  • Phone

    +49 341 97 32337
  • Email

    schiffer at