Terms of Use

GeoTemCo is a result of 2 years of research in the field of Geovisualization. Since we provide it as a freely available Open Source library, you are free to load and visualize your own data with GeoTemCo. You are allowed to include screenshots taken from GeoTemCo in publications or websites as long as you cite at least one of the following papers: or/and You can get these papers as pre-prints from my homepage at Leipzig University. Furthermore, we kindly ask you for sending us project details when using GeoTemCo, so that we can hold our Projects page up-to-date.

Repository & License

GeoTemCo is Open Source! You can download the source code from the following GitHub repository:

GeoTemCo is licensed under the latest Version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). This allows you to use, share, modify and share modified versions of GeoTemCo, as long as the modified version is also licensed under LGPL or GPL. Compared to GPL, it is also allowed to link LGPL code with proprietary code. You can find more details about LGPL under http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html.
