Workshop Chairs
- Karsten Rink, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research — UFZ, Germany
- Ariane Middel, Center for Integrated Solutions to Climate Challenges, Arizona State University, USA
- Gunther Weber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Program Committee
- Wes Bethel, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA
- Georges-Pierre Bonneau, INRIA Grenoble, France
- Ibrahim Demir, University of Iowa, USA
- Urska Demsar, University of St. Andrews, UK
- Doris Dransch, GFZ, Germany
- Jocelyne Erhel, INRIA Rennes, France
- Sebastian Grottel, TU Dresden, Germany
- Hans Hagen, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
- Carolin Helbig, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Germany
- Federico Iuricich, University of Maryland, USA
- Michal Koutek, KNMI, Netherlands
- Niklas Röber, DKRZ, Germany
- Stefania Traverso, CIMA, Italy
- Alexander Wiebel, Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Thomas Wischgoll, Wright State University, USA
- Dirk Zeckzer, University of Leipzig, Germany
Publicity Chair
- Stefan Koch, Leipzig University, Germany