
Monday, 25. May 2020

Videos of the talks

13:30-15:00  Paper Session

Carlo Navarra, Tomasz Opach, Katerina Vrotsou, Almar Joling, Julie Wilk, Tina Neset
Visual Exploration of Climate-Related Volunteered Geographic Information 

Felix Raith, Christian Blecha, Karsten Rink, Wenqing Wang, Olaf Kolditz, Hua Shao, Gerik Scheuermann
Visual Analysis of a Full-Scale-Emplacement Experiment in the Underground Rock Laboratory Mont Terri using Fiber Surfaces

Vung Pham, David Weindorf, Tommy Dang
SoilScanner: 3D Visualization for Soil Profiling using Portable X-ray

15:00-15:30 Coffee break

15:30-17:00 Keynote

Rodman Ray Linn

Fire/atmosphere modeling: opportunities and challenges

Wildland fires continue to pose risk to lives and property and thus 
practitioners and scientists continue to work to gain better 
understanding and ability to predict their behavior.  Simultaneously, 
wildland fire decision makers are working towards more proactive 
approaches to managing the risk of wildfire , such as fuels treatments 
and prescribed fire.  Executing such measures requires the ability to 
explore the ramification of such treatments as well as ensure that 
prescribed fires will meet their objectives.  Experiments and 
observations have demonstrated that the two-way feedbacks between fires 
and atmosphere play critical roles in determining how fires spread or if 
they spread.  Advancements in computing and numerical modeling have 
generated new opportunities for the use of models that couple 
process-based wildfire models to atmospheric hydrodynamics models. 
These process-based coupled fire/atmosphere models, which simulate 
critical processes such as heat transfer, buoyancy-induced flows and 
vegetation aerodynamic drag, are not practical for operational 
faster-than-real-time fire prediction due to their computational and 
data requirements.  However, these process-based coupled fire-atmosphere 
models make it possible to represent many of the fire-atmosphere 
feedbacks and thus have the potential to complement experiments, add 
perspective to observations, bridge between idealized-fire scenarios and 
more complex and realistic landscape fire scenarios, allow for 
sensitivity analysis that is impractical through observations and pose 
new hypothesis that can be tested experimentally.  Additionally, coupled 
wildfire/atmosphere modeling opens new possibilities for understanding 
the sometime counterintuitive impacts of fuel management and exploring 
the implications of various prescribed fire tactics.  Certainly, there 
need to be continued efforts to validate the results from these 
numerical investigations, but, even so, they suggest relationships, 
interactions and phenomenology that should be considered in the context 
of the interpretation of observations, design of fire behavior 
experiments, development of new operational models and even risk 
management.  One of the critical aspects of using these sorts of models 
and learning from them for the development of new operational models is 
the challenge of visualizing them.  Learning to find ways of digesting 
three-dimensional variation of the interaction between fire and 
atmosphere is critical.  For this purpose, we have had to employ various 
strategies to visualize this highly transient and highly heterogeneous 
modeling results involving approximately 20 critical state variable.