TDDT - Từ điển Việt Nam cho máy Palm

Low resolusion, grayscale device

High resolusion, color device

About TDDT - Dictionary for Palm OS

TDDT is a dictionary application for Palm OS, developed by Hồ Ngọc Đức. Its main features are:



To lookup a word, type its first characters to the text field. A list of close matches will appear. Tap a word in that list to view its definition. Use PAGE_UP and PAGE_DOWN to scroll the list of keywords.

Vietnamese words can be typed without diacritical marks: you can type "luat s" and the word "luật sư" appears in the list.

Using the menu bar:

Installing on memory card

The dictionary databases can be installed on memory card. To enable this function, create a folder /Palm/TDDT on your memory card and put the dictionary PDB files (e.g., AnhViet75K.pdb, VietViet23K.pdb) in that folder.


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