Vorlesung Quantencomputer

PD Dr. Ralf  Der

Zu empfehlen ist  das Buch

Collin P. Williams, Scott H. Clearwater
Explorations in Quantum Computing.
Springer 1997.
In der IfI Bibliothek verfügbar.

Im Internet verfügbar und sehr zu empfehlen die Lecture Notes von John Preskill

    NTZ Preprint:

Bern Crell, Armin Uhlmann: Einfuhrung in Grundlagen und Protokolle der Quanteninformatik.
NTZ Preprint 33/1998 (Universitat Leipzig)

Hier eine Animation ueber Ionen in einer Ionenfalle .
Folgende über das Internet verfügbare Originialarbeiten geben eine gut lesbare  Einführung in die Materie:

     Adriano Barenco:
     Quantum Physics and Computers
     Contemporary Physics, vol. 37, No. 5, pp357-389 (1996).
 [Article:PS.Z (with fig, 480kB)]

Vlatko Vedral, Adriano Barenco and Artur Ekert:
     Quantum Networks for Elementary Arithmetic Operations
     Physical Review A, Vol.54, pp.147-153 (1996)

Artur Ekert and Richard Jozsa:
     Shor's Quantum Algorithm for Factorising Numbers
     Review of Modern Physics, Vol.68, No.3, pp.733-753, (July 1996).

Adriano Barenco:
     A Universal Two-Bit Gate for Quantum Computation
     Proc. R. Soc. London A, vol. 449, pp 679-683

David Deutsch, Adriano Barenco and Artur Ekert:
     Universality in Quantum Computation
     Proc. R. Soc. London A, vol. 449, pp 669-677

     Artur Ekert and Chiara Macchiavello
     Error correction for quantum communication
     Physical Review Letters Vol.77, pp.2585-2588 (1996).

     D. Deutsch, A. Ekert, R. Jozsa, C. Macchiavello, S. Popescu and A. Sanpera:
     Quantum privacy amplification and the security of quantum cryptrography over noisy
     Physical Review Letter Vol.77, pp.2818-2821 (1996).
 [Article:PS.gz (with fig)]

Interssante Links:

 Quantum Information and Computation at Caltech, MIT & USC. http://theory.caltech.edu/~quic/index.html
Stanford Quantum Computation Page http://feynman.stanford.edu/qcomp/
 Experimental Quantum Optics Group at Innsbruck (A. Zeilinger) http://info.uibk.ac.at/c/c7/c704/qo/
Theoretical Quantum Optics Group at Innsbruck (P. Zoller)  http://info.uibk.ac.at/c/c7/c705/qo/
Laboratory for Theoretical and Quantum Computing (University of Montreal)
 Quantum Information at IBM http://www.research.ibm.com/quantuminfo/
 Quantum Computation/Cryptography at Los Alamos http://qso.lanl.gov/qc/
European Institute of Quantum Computing http://www.EIQC.org
  • The EuroQuantum.org Web Site