Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik Universität Leipzig
Institut für Informatik UNIVERSITÄT LEIPZIG
Vortragsserie Bioinformatik

Freitag, 20.04.2001, 11:15, HG Ziegenledersaal, Felix-Klein-Hörsaal HG 4-24

FMI (Physics and Mathematics Departement)
Mid Sweden University Sundsvall

"Phylogenetic networks: powers and pitfalls"


As the importance of non tree-like evolutionary processes becomes clearer within certain fields of biology, it also becomes of increasing interest to find tools for modeling and representing these processes. In this talk, we consider using phylogenetic networks as such a tool, networks which are usually generated from certain collections of bipartitions or splits of the data in question. In particular, we briefly review the popular median and splitstree networks and discuss some of their advantages and shortfalls. We also present some recent work which has been motivated in part by the problems encountered when using these networks.

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